Saturday, February 29, 2020

Reagan, Day O'Connor and Bush - reading of three biographies

In last couple of months, I read three biographies: Reagan - The life, First - Sandra Day O'Connor, Destiny and Power - The American Odyssey of George H. W. Bush.

The three persons were closely related. Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female supreme court  justice nominated by Reagan, George H.W. Bush was Reagan's vice president for 8 years from 1981 to 1988.

A striking but not surprising similarity among the three is that they were all happily married, followed on their marriage vows - " for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, to cherish, till death us do part".  Ronald and Nancy Reagan married for 52 years til Ronald's death;  Sandra and John O'Connor was married for 57 years til John's death. George and Barbra Bush married for 73 years, til they died in 2018. They all lived long life - Reagan lived to 93 years, Bush lived to 94 years, and O'Connor is 89 years old, and was just diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

All three of them had magnificent personal and public life stories but what I remembered the most after listening to the three audio novels were their lively personality and characters.

Reagan was the oldest US president in 1981. Media likes to mention Reagan was the former Hollywood actor, but rarely mentioned that he was also a two term California governor. Reagan was a Democratic turned Republican, with a deep conviction of conservative principles. It is very interesting to know that he was a very private person, did not like social scenes but he was very a charismatic and charming public speaker. During his years in the white house, he would speak to the nation for support when his agenda met strong Democratic resistance in legislative process. He had forced the democratic congress to go along with him or to compromise multiple times. He  was a visionary leader for both domestic politics and world affairs - but pragmatic in getting things done.

Sandra Day O'Connor was nominated by Reagan and confirmed to be the first female associate justice of supreme court. She was raised on a Arizona ranch, and was a very competitive lady in everything she did - from politics to daily activities. At least per the biography, she was a socialite and liked to be the center of attention. She was a swing vote on the supreme court during her tenure. Because of her personality, one would wonder how many times her last minute decision on a case was due to deliberation, how many times it was due to her desire to be the center of attention? But she was a loyal republican and loyal spouse - she decided to retire from supreme court to take care of her husband with Parkinson' disease but she timed her retirement so a Republican president could appoint her replacement.

George H W Bush was quite different from Reagan and Day O'Connor, he was born in very rich family, with great education. He was not a very good communicator, especially during his presidential years. When he had to break his campaign pledge to raise tax, he did not explain to the country why he did it despite the urges from his advisors, including his vice president.  He believed that results would explain everything. He was a person with big ambition and capability. He wanted to serve but did not like the politics to get there. He was a person easy to tear up, a person with compassion - sometimes let people feel that he was wimpy. What impressed me the most was Bush's decency, loyalty, and empathy - he was gracious in victory and in defeat.

They did what they loved, and loved what you did - that is how they had a happy and successful life!

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