Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mt Dolent - viewed from TMB

Mont Dolent is a rocky mountain peak at the intersection of Italy, Switzerland and France. Our 5th day on TMB was hiking around it.

We started our 5th day on TMB at La Fouly with breakfast at Maya Joie, with golden glow of morning sun on Mt Dolent!

The first 5km of the hike was in the valley, and Mont Dolent was blocked from our view from lower mountains nearer to the trail.

gradual ascend in the valley

a beautiful mountain peak

After about 5km, we got to higher ground, the rocky peak of Dolent and surrounding  mountains revealed themselves from the gaps between the lower mountains. After a turn, we saw a large herd of black and white sheep on the slope, and heard the sheep baaing back and forth. 

Climbing onto the ridge of the lower mountain, we were at Grand Col Ferret pass, which is the highest point on the regular TMB trail. There is an altitude marker there. On the "trail" perpendicular to it, there is a big cross on the slope on the South side, and there is a local peak at north side, further north is Mont Dolent. In fact the trail perpendicular to TMB is also the border between Switzerland and Italy, no checkpoint!

herd of sheep with Mt Dolent in the background

Grand Col Ferret pass, Elevation 2537m

the trail to the local peak - where one can follow to go to the foot of Mont Dolent

We rested near the pass a little bit to allow team member to take pictures, enjoy the grand views of the mountains and glaciers. We then went down a bit further for a lunch break, and had a short nap!

A picture taken at ground level - a totally different perspective.
The hikers in the picture were hiking counter clock wise

After the Grand Col Ferret pass, it is a steep decent, ~ 500 m elevation drop in 1km. About 2km beyond Grand Col Ferrer pass, we were in the valley, and after 3km, Mont Dolent was out of sight due to lower mountains blocking the view.
steep downhill was hard for my knees

after 1km, the slop is much gradual, with short steep sections

We rested at and then crossed a glacier river, on the way to this day's destination Lavachey.

Mont Dolent is 3823 m tall, nearly 1000 m lower than Mt Blanc, but it was felt so much taller, and grandeur  because we reached nearly its foot. 

The 5th day on TMB, around Mont Dolent was the best day we had so far on TMB, a beautiful sunny day, we hiked 18+km, 950m up, 800m mostly very steep downhill, in gorgeous surroundings.

after cold therapies, we crossed the glacier river 

The hotel we stayed on the 5th day on TMB

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