Sunday, October 22, 2023

Beijing's Rare Blue Sky

On the second day of our stay at Beijing, China, the sky turned brilliant blue after the drizzle and wind previous night had swept away the gloomy haze/smog that had shrouded the city.

We went to Tiananmen Square that morning and had to go through layer after layer of security checks - first check at the exit of the subway station, and then the security check at make-shift entrances to Tiananmen Square. It was depressing!

The progression of the clearing up of the sky lifted my spirit. The northwest sky was cleared up first, revealing the blue sky. The clouds continued to move in southeast direction, and eventually the sky was all clear.

Although we couldn't access some of the main landmarks at Tiananmen Square, like the Tiananmen Tower, the Palace Museum, and the National Museums, due to reservation requirements, we enjoyed our extensive walk around the square and its surroundings, covering approximately 12 kilometers. Beijing's local cuisine added to the delight of our day.


Corner of Forbidden City

Monument for People's Heroes

Street lights and surveillance camera

Returning to our hotel early in the afternoon, we decided to remain outdoors to savor the rarity of a blue sky and high air quality in Beijing. We settled in a community park adjacent to the hotel, sat on a bench beneath the shade of trees. There, we listened to the sweet chirps of birds, watched fluffy white clouds drift across the blue sky, and relished the tranquility of our surroundings.

CCTV Tower

The sky over the community park

On the third day, the favorable weather and air quality continued, prompting us to visit Yuan Ming Yuan, the Old Summer Palace. The park was a sight to behold with blue sky, lotus ponds, willow trees, and various waterfowl, including the elegant black swans. Since it was a weekday, the park was relatively uncrowded, enhancing our overall experience.

Lily Pond

Fu Hai (The Blessed Lake)

Black Swans


Flock of Bird

As the sunny days persisted, a hint of haze began to loom on the horizon, a reminder that the vast city was not immune to its grasp.

In moments of clear skies and pristine air, we reveled in the present, savoring every bit of the goodness that came our way.

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